

swMATH ID: 6158
Software Authors: Karmitsa, N.
Description: LMBM is a limited memory bundle method for general, possible nonconvex, nonsmooth (nondifferentiable) large-scale minimization. Both the unconsrained version of the method and the version for bound constrained problems are available.
Homepage: http://napsu.karmitsa.fi/lmbm/
Related Software: LDGB; DGM; Mosek; ARPACK; PNEW; QSM; PBNCGC; COSMO; SDPT3; SparsePOP; L-BFGS; GradSamp; GloptiPoly; TSSOS; SDPLR; MPBNGC; UFO; SolvOpt; Matlab
Cited in: 5 Documents