

swMATH ID: 5435
Software Authors: Fraysseix, H. de; Mendez, P. Ossona de
Description: PIGALE is a graph editor and an algorithm library essentially concerned with planar graphs. This software is particularly intended for graph theoretical research.
Homepage: http://pigale.sourceforge.net/
Programming Languages: C++
Keywords: Scientific/Engineering; Mathematics; Software Development; Libraries
Related Software: TSPLIB; LEDA; OGDF; NetworkX; Graphviz; Tulip; GRIP; Graph-tool; ForceAtlas2; Gephi; Pajek datasets; Pajek; GraphML; GDToolkit; ABACUS; OpenAD; SifDec
Cited in: 30 Documents
Further Publications: http://pigale.sourceforge.net/bibliography.html

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