

swMATH ID: 5
Software Authors: Pozrikidis, C.
Description: BEMLIB is a boundary-element software library of Fortran 77 (compatible with Fortran 90) and Matlab codes accompanying the book by C. Pozrikidis, A Practical Guide to Boundary Element Methods with the software library BEMLIB,” Champan & Hall/CRC, (2002). Chapters 8-12 of the book contain the BEMLIB User Guide. BEMLIB is a distillation of its parental library FDLIB.
Homepage: http://dehesa.freeshell.org/BEMLIB/
Dependencies: FDLIB
Keywords: boundary element method; textbook; Green’s functions; Laplace equation; boundary integral representation; integral equation; dual reciprocity method; viscous flow; software library BEMLIB; Helmholtz’s equation; Stokes flow; boundary integral methods
Related Software: SERBA; Travis CI; DLMF; GitHub; Matlab; spatstat; PETSc; pi-BEM; XFEM; IIMPACK; ASCL; FISHPAK; NOSA-ITACA; RIM_DOM.F90; quadgk; quadva; COMSOL; FELICITY; Octave; OpenFOAM
Cited in: 130 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 212 Authors

24 Pozrikidis, Constantine
9 Blyth, Mark G.
8 Gaffney, Eamonn A.
7 Smith, David J.
6 Ishimoto, Kenta
5 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi
5 Hosseinzadeh, Hossein
4 Luo, Haoxiang
3 Papageorgiou, Demetrios T.
3 Saintillan, David
3 Tseluiko, Dmitri
2 Achard, Jean-Luc
2 Baur, Ulrike
2 Blake, John Robert
2 Botto, Lorenzo
2 Choudhary, Arun
2 Colbrook, Matthew J.
2 Das, Debasish
2 Fokas, Athanassios S.
2 Glière, Alain
2 Higuera, Francisco J.
2 Kamal, Catherine
2 Kirkman-Brown, J. C.
2 Koch, Donald L.
2 Koley, Santanu
2 Martha, Subash Chandra
2 Narsimhan, Vivek
2 Singh, Jitendra Kumar
2 Szerszeń, Krzysztof
2 Vanden-Broeck, Jean-Marc
2 Walker, Benjamin J.
2 Zhang, Fei
2 Zhou, Xinping
2 Zieniuk, Eugeniusz
1 Akhmouch, Latifa
1 Alam, Mohammad-Reza
1 Alinovi, Edoardo
1 Alipour, Peyman
1 Alouges, François
1 Anthonissen, Martijn Johannes Hermanus
1 Arvayo, Alberto L.
1 Aydın, Selçuk Han
1 Aziz, Imad A.
1 Bai, Huixing
1 Baker, D. I.
1 Banerjea, Sudeshna
1 Baranoglu, Besim
1 Becker, Adib A.
1 Benner, Peter
1 Billingham, John
1 Borker, Neeraj S.
1 Bottaro, Alessandro
1 Bowtell, Richard W.
1 Bradshaw, J. T.
1 Brandt, Luca
1 Cēbers, Andrejs
1 Çetin, Barbaros
1 Chakraborty, Rumpa
1 Chakraborty, Suman
1 Chan, Cho Lik
1 Choudhuri, Debajyoti
1 Cirak, Fehmi
1 Cosson, Jacky
1 Cuesta, Ildefonso
1 Cummings, Peter T.
1 Curtis, M. P.
1 Daddi-Moussa-Ider, Abdallah
1 Dadvand, Abdolrahman
1 Decent, Stephen P.
1 Delmotte, Blaise
1 Denisov, Alexander Mikhailovich
1 DeSimone, Antonio
1 Ding, Hang
1 Doaré, Olivier
1 Duan, Yong
1 Elasmi, Lassaad
1 Erdmanis, J.
1 Ermanyuk, Eugeny V.
1 Esmaeilzadeh, Soheil
1 Evangelio, A.
1 Falletta, Silvia
1 Farrell, Troy
1 Feuillebois, François
1 Filelis-Papadopoulos, Christos K.
1 Firouznia, Mohammadhossein
1 Flór, Jan Bert
1 Flyer, Natasha
1 Fokas, Thanasis S.
1 Fornberg, Bengt
1 Fu, Henry Chien
1 Fu, Zhuojia
1 Fyrillas, Marios M.
1 Gadêlha, Hermes
1 Gallagher, Meurig T.
1 Ginnis, Alexandros I.
1 Glover, Paul
1 Golestanian, Ramin
1 Gordillo, José Manuel
1 Gravelle, Simon
1 Gravvanis, George A.
...and 112 more Authors
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Cited in 36 Serials

42 Journal of Fluid Mechanics
22 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
7 Journal of Computational Physics
5 Journal of Engineering Mathematics
3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
3 Journal of Mathematical Biology
3 Applied Numerical Mathematics
3 Applied Mathematical Modelling
3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
3 Journal of Theoretical Biology
2 Computers and Fluids
2 Wave Motion
2 Physics of Fluids
1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
1 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics
1 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
1 International Journal of Multiphase Flow
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids
1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal of Solids and Structures
1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Meccanica
1 Moscow University Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics
1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences
1 Numerical Algorithms
1 Archive of Applied Mechanics
1 Advances in Engineering Software
1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
1 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids
1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B
1 Communications in Computational Physics
1 International Journal of Numerical Methods and Applications

Citations by Year