

swMATH ID: 47736
Software Authors: Engwer, Christian; Nüßing, Andreas
Description: The TPMC library implements a topology preserving marching cubes algorithm, see [EN2017]. The algorithm alows to compute polyhedral reconstructions of implicitly given interfaces and subdomains. In particular it is used to geometrically evaluate integrals over domains described by a fist-order, conforming level-set function. It preserves various topological properties of the implicit geometry in its polyhedral reconstruction, making it suitable for Finite Element computations. The main part of the algorithm is a code generator written in python. With the library we ship the code generator and a simple C++ implementation. The code is generated and the C++ library is build during the installation process.
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/1601.03597
Source Code:  https://github.com/tpmc/tpmc
Dependencies: Python
Related Software: Dune-UDG; DUNE; CutFEM; PDELab; UG; libGrid; pybind11; mpi4py; Kaskade7; Dune-FemPy; FoamGrid; Curvilinear Grid; vcl; Exa-Dune; JAUMIN; GitHub; pcl; libDiscretization; libAlgebra; Vc
Cited in: 4 Documents