

swMATH ID: 47562
Software Authors: Fowlie, A.
Description: thermal_funcs: Thermal functions for finite-temperature effective field-theory in C++ with Python and Mathematica interfaces
Homepage: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0010465518300444
Source Code:  https://github.com/andrewfowlie/thermal_funcs
Related Software: BESSELINT; FastGaussQuadrature; GAUSEXT; Gridap; FEMPAR; lifex; Basix; Mathematica; H_FUN; Algorithm 858; GSL; MTQR; Boost; MFEM; DOLFIN; FIAT; Nektar++; IIPBF; Boost C++ Libraries; deal.ii
Cited in: 3 Documents