

swMATH ID: 46192
Software Authors: Hashemi, Amir; Schweinfurter, Michael; Seiler, Werner M.
Description: RedNum.mpl and BigRedNum.mpl: A Maple implementation of our new algorithm to compute absolute reduction number and big reduction number of a given polynomial ideal. Deterministically computing reduction numbers of polynomial ideals. We discuss the problem of determining reduction number of a polynomial ideal I in n variables. We present two algorithms based on parametric computations. The first one determines the absolute reduction number of I and requires computation in a polynomial ring with (n-dim(I))dim(I) parameters and n-dim(I) variables. The second one computes via a Grobner system the set of all reduction numbers of the ideal I and thus in particular also its big reduction number. However,it requires computations in a ring with n.dim(I) parameters and n variables.
Homepage: https://amirhashemi.iut.ac.ir/softwares
Dependencies: Maple
Related Software: Deterministic.mpl; SINGULAR
Cited in: 2 Documents

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