

swMATH ID: 4538
Software Authors: Kuhn, Max; Weston, Steve; Coulter, Nathan; Lenon, Patrick; Otles, Zekai
Description: R package odfWeave: Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files , Sweave processing of Open Document Format (ODF) files
Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/odfWeave/
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/odfWeave
Dependencies: R (≥ 2.13.1), lattice, XML (≥ 3.9-4)
Related Software: R; lattice; RODBC; SASweave; Bioconductor; Sweave; ggplot2; Hmisc; foreign; ROCR; SAS; RKWard; R2HTML; Rcmdr; weaver; Kernlab; nortest; xtable; gam; plotrix
Cited in: 6 Documents

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