

swMATH ID: 4481
Software Authors: Pinheiro, Jose; Bates, Douglas; DebRoy, Saikat; Sarkar, Deepayan
Description: R package nlme: Linear and Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models , Fit and compare Gaussian linear and nonlinear mixed-effects models.
Homepage: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/nlme/
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/nlme
Dependencies: graphics, stats, R (≥ 2.13)
Keywords: R-journal
Related Software: R; lme4; S-PLUS; MEMSS; SAS; SemiPar; WinBUGS; MASS (R); ggplot2; lattice; survival; mgcv; car; mvtnorm; CRAN; Stan; CODA; brms; MCMCglmm; Rcpp
Cited in: 133 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
Update of the nlme Package to Allow a Fixed Standard Deviation of the Residual Error Link
Heisterkamp, Simon H.; Willigen, Engelbertus van; Diderichsen, Paul-Matthias; Maringwa, John
all top 5

Cited by 339 Authors

7 Wand, Matthew P.
5 Wang, Wan-Lun
3 Carroll, Raymond James
3 Chen, Ding-Geng
3 Ditlevsen, Susanne
3 Lin, Tsung I.
3 Picchini, Umberto
3 Ritz, Christian
3 Ruppert, David
2 Agasisti, Tommaso
2 Boshnakov, Georgi N.
2 Castro, Luis Mauricio
2 Das, Sourav
2 De Gaetano, Andrea
2 Hothorn, Ludwig A.
2 Ieva, Francesca
2 McKean, Joseph W.
2 Militino, Ana Fernández
2 Molina, Isabel
2 Paganoni, Anna Maria
2 Rao, Tata Subba
2 Schaarschmidt, Frank
2 Streibig, Jens Carl
2 Ugarte, Maria Dolores
2 Wollschläger, Daniel
2 Yang, Yuchen
2 Yavuz, Fulya Gokalp
1 Abebe, Asheber
1 Acar, Elif F.
1 Adar, Sara D.
1 Addo, E. jun.
1 Agostinelli, Claudio
1 Akdur, Hatice Tul Kubra
1 Alfaro-Córdoba, Marcela
1 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem
1 Anderson, Stewart J.
1 André, Carmen D. S.
1 Arnholt, Alan T.
1 Arslan, Olcay
1 Baghfalaki, Taban
1 Bahrami Samani, Ehsan
1 Baker, Thomas G.
1 Baladandayuthapani, Veerabhadran
1 Barrientos, Andrés Felipe
1 Basu, Ayanendranath
1 Bates, Douglas M.
1 Bayrak, Hülya
1 Belkacemi, Mohamed C.
1 Bertsimas, Dimitris John
1 Bhaskaran, Aishwarya
1 Bilgic, Yusuf K.
1 Bivand, Roger S.
1 Blackstone, Eugene H.
1 Blyuss, Konstantin B.
1 Bolin, Jocelyn E.
1 Bollandsås, Ole Martin
1 Bonat, Wagner Hugo
1 Bondell, Howard D.
1 Boughey, K. L.
1 Bouveyron, Charles
1 Brabec, Marek
1 Brereton, Tom M.
1 Brewer, Mark J.
1 Brophy, Caroline
1 Brown, Jonathon D.
1 Brynjolfsson, Erik
1 Burzykowski, Tomasz
1 Cagnone, Silvia
1 Cakar, Serenay
1 Cao, Taoyun
1 Capes, Hannah
1 Casa, Alessandro
1 Casella, George
1 Cassey, Phillip
1 Castelli, Christel
1 Chanda, E. K.
1 Chapman, C. M.
1 Charalambous, Christiana
1 Charnigo, Richard
1 Charpentier, Arthur
1 Chen, Huaihou
1 Chen, Jenny K.
1 Chen, John J.
1 Chen, Younan
1 Chiarandini, Marco
1 Choudhary, Pankaj K.
1 Claude, Julien
1 Crick, Tom
1 Cuadras, Carles M.
1 Cumberland, William G.
1 Currie, Iain D.
1 da Motta Singer, Julio
1 D’Angela, Gina
1 Daures, Jean-Pierre
1 de Andrade Moral, Rafael
1 Del Campo, Pedro César
1 Delattre, Maud
1 Denis, Jean-Baptiste
1 Diez Roux, Ana V.
1 Ding, Jimin
...and 239 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 60 Serials

7 Biometrical Journal
7 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
7 Journal of Applied Statistics
7 Use R!
6 Biometrics
5 Electronic Journal of Statistics
4 Statistical Methods and Applications
3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
3 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
3 Statistical Papers
3 Statistical Modelling
3 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine
3 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
3 Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series
2 Journal of the American Statistical Association
2 Statistics & Probability Letters
2 Machine Learning
2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
2 Test
2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
2 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
2 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
2 The Annals of Applied Statistics
2 Statistics and Computing
2 Stat
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Metrika
1 Psychometrika
1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
1 Metron
1 Operations Research
1 Synthese
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 Revista Colombiana de Estadística
1 Journal of Classification
1 Statistics
1 Neural Computation
1 Computational Statistics
1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
1 Biostatistics
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
1 Kendall’s Library of Statistics
1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series
1 Mathematical Geosciences
1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique
1 Bayesian Analysis
1 Springer Texts in Statistics
1 Statistics and Computing (Cham)
1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science Series
1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences Series
1 Journal of Membrane Computing
1 Methodology in the Social Sciences
1 Springer-Lehrbuch
1 Emerging Topics in Statistics and Biostatistics
1 Wiley Series in Survey Methodology

Citations by Year