

swMATH ID: 4473
Software Authors: Adler, Daniel; Murdoch, Duncan
Description: 3D Real-Time Visualization Device System for R. The rgl package is a visualization device system for R, using OpenGL as the rendering backend. An rgl device at its core is a real-time 3D engine written in C++. It provides an interactive viewpoint navigation facility (mouse + wheel support) and an R programming interface.
Homepage: http://rgl.neoscientists.org/about.shtml
Programming Languages: C++
Operating Systems: osx/carbon, win32, unix/X11
Related Software: R; rgl; scatterplot3d; lattice; glmnet; CRAN; XGobi; GGobi; 2D triangulations; Morpho; ShapeWorks; SINATRA; SECT; FastGP; Rvcg; gglasso; RODBC; ggplot2; cluster (R); mvoutlier
Cited in: 7 Documents
Further Publications: http://rgl.neoscientists.org/docs.shtml