

swMATH ID: 446
Software Authors: Martin-Garcia, J. M.; Portugal, R.; Manssur, L. R. U.
Description: The Invar Tensor Package. The Invar package is introduced, a fast manipulator of generic scalar polynomial expressions formed from the Riemann tensor of a four-dimensional metric-compatible connection. The package can maximally simplify any polynomial containing tensor products of up to seven Riemann tensors within seconds. It has been implemented both in Mathematica and Maple algebraic systems
Homepage: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/ADZK_v1_0.html
Programming Languages: Mathematica and Maple.
Operating Systems: Linux, Unix, Windows XP.
Dependencies: Mathematica; Maple
Keywords: Riemann tensor; tensor calculus; Mathematica; Maple; computer algebra.
Related Software: xTensor; xPert; xPerm; xTras; xAct; Mathematica; Cadabra; MathTensor; Package-X; NP; ATENSOR; Spinors; Maple; DoFun; FormTracer; NPspinor; Riegeom; xPand; xCore; Canon
Cited in: 39 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
The Invar tensor package. Zbl 1196.15006
Martín-García, J. M.; Portugal, R.; Manssur, L. R. U.

Citations by Year