

swMATH ID: 4426
Software Authors: Kiczales, Gregor; Hilsdale, Erik; Hugunin, Jim; Kersten, Mik; Palm, Jeffrey
Description: aspect-oriented extension to the Java. AspectJ TM is a simple and practical aspect-oriented extension to Java TM . With just a few new constructs, AspectJ provides support for modular implementation of a range of crosscutting concerns. In AspectJ’s dynamic join point model, join points are well-defined points in the execution of the program; pointcuts are collections of join points; advice are special method-like constructs that can be attached to pointcuts; and aspects are modular units of crosscutting implementation, comprising pointcuts, advice, and ordinary Java member declarations. AspectJ code is compiled into standard Java bytecode. Simple extensions to existing Java development environments make it possible to browse the crosscutting structure of aspects in the same kind of way as one browses the inheritance structure of classes. Several examples show that AspectJ is powerful, and that programs written using it are easy to understand.
Homepage: http://www.eclipse.org/aspectj
Keywords: aspect-oriented programming (AOP); Java; No Math
Related Software: CaesarJ; JBoss; JAsCo; Eiffel; AspectC++; MOP; Java-MOP; FeatureC++; gbeta; Featherweight Java; JHotDraw; Soot; DaCapo; AspectS; CodeQuest; AGG; AspectWerkz; Bandera; Maude; OCaml
Cited in: 98 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software, including 1 Publication in zbMATH Year
An overview of AspectJ. Zbl 0982.68552
Kiczales, Gregor; Hilsdale, Erik; Hugunin, Jim; Kersten, Mik; Palm, Jeffrey
all top 5

Cited by 254 Authors

4 Kiczales, Gregor
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3 Tanter, Éric
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2 Avgustinov, Pavel
2 Chen, Feng
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2 Douence, Rémi
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2 Järvi, Jaakko
2 Kienzle, Jörg
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2 Noyé, Jacques
2 Rashid, Awais
2 Roşu, Grigore
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2 Tibble, Julian
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1 Albin-Amiot, Hervé
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1 Altisen, Karine
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