

swMATH ID: 4413
Software Authors: Gonçalves, Eduardo N.; Palhares, Reinaldo M.; Takahashi, Ricardo H. C.; Mesquita, Renato C.
Description: Algorithm 860: SimpleS – an extension of Freudenthal’s simplex subdivision. This article presents a simple efficient algorithm for the subdivision of a \(d\)-dimensional simplex in \(k^d\) simplices, where \(k\) is any positive integer number. The algorithm is an extension of Freudenthal’s subdivision method. The proposed algorithm deals with the more general case of \(k^d\) subdivision, and is considerably simpler than the {ssf RedRefinementND} algorithm for implementation of Freudenthal’s strategy. The proposed simplex subdivision algorithm is motivated by a problem in the field of robust control theory: the computation of a tight upper bound of a dynamical system performance index by means of a branch-and-bound algorithm.
Homepage: http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1186792
Related Software: YALMIP; SeDuMi; Robotics; HIFOO; Mosek; GloptiPoly; NSGA-II; LMI toolbox; LGO; Global Optimization Toolbox For Maple; Qhull
Cited in: 7 Documents