

swMATH ID: 43951
Software Authors: Zhang, Kai; Luan, Fujun; Wang, Qianqian; Bala, Kavita; Snavely, Noah
Description: PhySG: Inverse Rendering with Spherical Gaussians for Physics-based Material Editing and Relighting. We present PhySG, an end-to-end inverse rendering pipeline that includes a fully differentiable renderer and can reconstruct geometry, materials, and illumination from scratch from a set of RGB input images. Our framework represents specular BRDFs and environmental illumination using mixtures of spherical Gaussians, and represents geometry as a signed distance function parameterized as a Multi-Layer Perceptron. The use of spherical Gaussians allows us to efficiently solve for approximate light transport, and our method works on scenes with challenging non-Lambertian reflectance captured under natural, static illumination. We demonstrate, with both synthetic and real data, that our reconstructions not only enable rendering of novel viewpoints, but also physics-based appearance editing of materials and illumination.
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.00674
Source Code:  https://github.com/Kai-46/PhySG
Dependencies: Python
Keywords: Computer Vision; Pattern Recognition; arXiv_cs.CV
Related Software: NeuS; NeRV; PatchMatch; NeRF; NeRF++; Adam; BARF; NeRFactor; Nerfies; DeCAF; MeshSDF; OpenGL; DVDnet; Pfinder; MOTS; StyleGAN2; ResMLP; BRISK; EfficientDet; Face2Face
Cited in: 2 Documents

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