

swMATH ID: 43242
Software Authors: Pelusi, Francesca; Lulli, Matteo; Sbragaglia, Mauro; Bernaschi, Massimo
Description: TLBfind: a Thermal Lattice Boltzmann code for concentrated emulsions with FINite-size Droplets. In this paper, we present TLBfind, a GPU code for simulating the hydrodynamics of droplets along with a dynamic temperature field. TLBfind hinges on a two-dimensional multi-component lattice Boltzmann (LB) model simulating a concentrated emulsion with finite-size droplets evolving in a thermal convective state, just above the transition from conduction to convection. The droplet concentration of the emulsion system is tenable, and at the core of the code lies the possibility to measure a large number of physical observables characterising the flow and droplets. Furthermore, TLBfind includes a parallel implementation on GPU of the Delaunay triangulation useful for the detection of droplets’ plastic rearrangements, and several types of boundary conditions, supporting simulations of channels with structured rough walls.
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.12565
Source Code:  https://github.com/FrancescaPelusi/TLBfind
Dependencies: Cuda
Keywords: TLBfind; Fluid Dynamics; arXiv_physics.flu-dyn; Computational Physics; arXiv_physics.comp-ph; Thermal Lattice Boltzmann code; CUDA; GPU code; lattice Boltzmann; soft suspensions; finite-size droplets; thermal convection; rough channels
Related Software: LUDWIG; Sailfish; Palabos; LBfoam; LBsoft; LB3D; STLBM; OpenLB; waLBerla; COMSOL; Gerris; Basilisk; oomph-lib; DUNE; ThinViscoelasticFilms; JLD2; Plots.jl; OpenACC; CUDA.jl; Julia
Cited in: 1 Document

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
TLBfind: a Thermal Lattice Boltzmann code for concentrated emulsions with FINite-size Droplets arXiv
Francesca Pelusi, Matteo Lulli, Mauro Sbragaglia, Massimo Bernaschi

Citations by Year