

swMATH ID: 41189
Software Authors: Ahrens, P.; Nguyen, H. D.; Demmel, J.
Description: ReproBLAS stands for Reproducible Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms. By reproducibility, we mean getting bitwise identical results from multiple runs of a program on the same input. Floating point summation is not associative because of roundoff errors, so the computed sum depends on the order of summation. Modern processors, which may dynamically assign resources, such as variable numbers of processors, do not guarantee the same order of summation from run-to-run of the same program or subroutine. Reproducibility is needed for debugging, verification and validation, correctness, and even contractual obligations.
Homepage: https://bebop.cs.berkeley.edu/reproblas/
Source Code:  https://github.com/peterahrens/ReproBLAS
Related Software: MPFR; mctoolbox; SparseMatrix; XBLAS; LBNL; Arb; RealLib; xrc; iRRAM; NumGfun; 2Sum; Verrou; Algorithm 1014; CPFloat; MPFI; ATLAS; SLEEF; Gappa; Algorithm 524; Sollya
Cited in: 6 Documents