

swMATH ID: 40292
Software Authors: Borgelt, Christian
Description: Eclat/LCM - Frequent Item Set Mining. Eclat is a program to find frequent item sets (also closed and maximal as well as generators) with the Eclat algorithm [Zaki et al. 1997], which carries out a depth first search on the subset lattice and determines the support of item sets by intersecting transaction lists. This implementation also supports diffsets [Zaki and Gouda 2003] and several other algorithm variants, including certain variants of LCM (Linear-time Closed itemset Miner) [Uno et al. 2003], [Uno et al. 2004], [Uno et al. 2005], which employs an occurrence deliver scheme to determine the support of item sets. Since version 5.0 the program made available above can also be used to find association rules. The Python version is simplified, much slower, and supports much fewer program options. It may be useful as an illustrative implementation that demonstrates some core features of the Eclat algorithm. However, if you want to use frequent item set mining in Python for actual mining tasks, it is recommended to use on the PyFIM library, which provides a Python interface to the C implementation.
Homepage: https://borgelt.net/eclat.html
Dependencies: Python
Related Software: Apriori; UCI-ml; R; gSpan; FP-growth; C4.5; arules; APRIORI; PISCES; Prot-2S; Python; PyDL8.5; ISLR; rpart; C50; GOSDT; OSDT; bsnsing; party; Infomap
Cited in: 15 Documents

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