

swMATH ID: 39444
Software Authors: Angelidakis, Vasileios; Nadimi, Sadegh; Otsubo, Masahide; Utili, Stefano
Description: CLUMP: A Code Library to generate Universal Multi-sphere Particles. Particle shape plays a key role in the mechanical and rheological behaviour of particulate and granular materials. The simulation of particulate assemblies typically entails the use of Molecular Dynamics, where spheres are the predominant particle shape, and the Discrete Element Method (DEM). Clumps and clusters of spheres have been used to simulate non-spherical particles, primarily due to the simplicity of contact detection among spheres and their ability to approximate practically any irregular geometry. Various approaches have been proposed in the literature to generate such clumps or clusters, while open-source numerical codes applying these are scanty. The CLUMP code, proposed in this paper, provides a unified framework, where a particle morphology can be approximated using different clump-generation approaches from the literature. This framework allows comparing the representations of the particle generated by the different approaches both quantitatively and qualitatively, providing the user with the tools to decide which approach is more appropriate for their application. Also, one novel generation technique is proposed. Outputs are provided in formats used by some of the most popular DEM codes. Moreover, the resulting clumps can be transformed into surface meshes, allowing for easy characterisation of their morphology. Finally, the effect of clump-generation techniques on the mechanical behaviour of granular assemblies is investigated via triaxial compression tests.
Homepage: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711021000704
Source Code:  https://github.com/ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-21-00045
Dependencies: Matlab
Keywords: SoftwareX; Clumps of spheres; Clusters; Irregular particles; Discrete Element Method; Particle morphology; Matlab
Related Software: MercuryDPM; PFC3D; Blaze-DEMGPU; LIGGGHTS; oomph-lib; ParaView; spheretree; DEM-ClumpedSphere; Rigid Body Parameters; iso2mesh; stlTools; LAMMPS; SHAPE; Matlab
Cited in: 2 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
CLUMP: A Code Library to generate Universal Multi-sphere Particles Link
Vasileios Angelidakis, Sadegh Nadimi, Masahide Otsubo, Stefano Utili

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