

swMATH ID: 35451
Software Authors: Klaise, Janis; Looveren, Arnaud Van; Vacanti, Giovanni; Coca, Alexandru
Description: Alibi is an open source Python library aimed at machine learning model inspection and interpretation. The focus of the library is to provide high-quality implementations of black-box, white-box, local and global explanation methods for classification and regression models.
Homepage: https://docs.seldon.io/projects/alibi/en/latest/
Source Code:  https://github.com/SeldonIO/alibi
Dependencies: Python
Related Software: Alibi Explain; shap; TensorFlow; AI Explainability 360; H2O; DALEX; GitHub; modelStudio; iNNvestigate; InterpretML; Fairlearn; XGBoost; NumPy; Scikit; LightGBM; PDPbox; dalex; Python; Captum; LOF
Cited in: 2 Documents

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