

swMATH ID: 32793
Software Authors: Tralie, Christopher; Saul, Nathaniel; Bar-On, Rann
Description: Ripser.py is a lean persistent homology package for Python. Building on the blazing fast C++ Ripser package as the core computational engine, Ripser.py provides an intuitive interface for: computing persistence cohomology of sparse and dense data sets, visualizing persistence diagrams, computing lowerstar filtrations on images, and computing representative cochains. We supply a large set of interactive notebooks that demonstrate how to take advantage of all the features available. Ripser.py is an evolution of the original C++ Ripser project. We have put extensive work into making the package available to Python developers across all major platforms. If you are having trouble installing, please let us know by opening a github issue.
Homepage: http://ripser.scikit-tda.org
Source Code:  https://github.com/scikit-tda/ripser.py
Dependencies: Python
Keywords: Topological data analysis; TDA; Persistent Homology; Python; Journal of Open Source Software; JOSS
Related Software: Ripser; Scikit; GitHub; PersistenceImages; t-SNE; Gudhi; Eirene; SW1PerS; SciPy; Python; TensorFlow; giotto-tda; Scikit-tda; COIL-100; UMAP; Ripser++; Flagser; PersistenceDiagrams.jl; ComputationalHomology.jl; Sparips.jl
Cited in: 15 Documents

Standard Articles

1 Publication describing the Software Year
Ripser.py: A Lean Persistent Homology Library for Python Link
Christopher Tralie, Nathaniel Saul, Rann Bar-On

Citations by Year