

swMATH ID: 30148
Software Authors: Wyss, G. D.; Swiler, L P.; Brown, S. L.; Eldred, M. S.; Daniel, S.
Description: Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS). Sandia’s Latin Hypercube Sampling package predates Dakota, though is no longer distributed as a standalone package. LHS is distributed with Dakota and can be used as a distinct standalone capability.
Homepage: https://dakota.sandia.gov/content/packages/lhs
Related Software: GitHub; Python; CPLEX; CEC 05; Heterogeneous Cross Diffusion Simulations; VisualPDE; pde2path; Semantic3D.net; ShapeNet; Go-ICP; SIGOA; Bilan; HydroTest; MCPSO; R; forecast; fields; Forecast; DiceOptim; DiceKriging
Cited in: 13 Documents

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