
Flow Networks

swMATH ID: 28552
Software Authors: Lammich, Peter; Sefidgar, S. Reza
Description: Flow Networks and the Min-Cut-Max-Flow Theorem. We present a formalization of flow networks and the Min-Cut-Max-Flow theorem. Our formal proof closely follows a standard textbook proof, and is accessible even without being an expert in Isabelle/HOL, the interactive theorem prover used for the formalization
Homepage: https://www.isa-afp.org/entries/Flow_Networks.html
Dependencies: Isabelle
Related Software: Coq; Why3; Dijkstra Shortest Path; WhyML; Prpu_Maxflow; Gabow SCC; Archive Formal Proofs; Amortized Complexity; Refinement Monadic; Separation Logic; Edmonds-Karp; GitHub; MLton; DIMACS; HOL; Netsoft; Isar; Isabelle/HOL; Isabelle
Cited in: 1 Document

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