

swMATH ID: 26208
Software Authors: Reiss, Philip; Chen, Yin-Hsiu; Huang, Lei; Huo, Lan; Tan, Ruixin; Jiao, Rong
Description: R package vows: Voxelwise Semiparametrics. Parametric and semiparametric inference for massively parallel models, i.e., a large number of models with common design matrix, as often occurs with brain imaging data.
Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/vows/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/vows
Dependencies: R
Related Software: BayesFM; poLCA; brainGraph; SAS; simsem; psych; psychometric; multtest; profdpm; forecast; Kernlab; JAGS; vcd; calibrate; homals; fastICA; Gifi; semPlot; qgraph; ltm; semTools
Cited in: 1 Document

Cited by 1 Author

1 Mair, Patrick

Cited in 1 Serial

1 Use R!

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