

swMATH ID: 25404
Software Authors: Hankin, Robin
Description: A Generalization of the Dirichlet Distribution. This paper discusses a generalization of the Dirichlet distribution, the ’hyperdirichlet’, in which various types of incomplete observations may be incorporated. It is conjugate to the multinomial distribution when some observations are censored or grouped. The hyperdirichlet R package is introduced and examples given. A number of statistical tests are performed on the example datasets, which are drawn from diverse disciplines including sports statistics, the sociology of climate change, and psephology.
Homepage: https://www.jstatsoft.org/article/view/v033i11
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/hyperdirichlet
Dependencies: R
Keywords: Dirichlet distribution; combinatorics; R; multinomial distribution; constrained optimization; R package; Journal of Statistical Software
Related Software: R; hyper2; aylmer; choix; BradleyTerry2; PlackettLuce; gglasso; propOverlap; GA; spls; Scikit; Brobdingnag; multipol; Matlab; fminsearch; CUDA; rstiefel; Stan
Cited in: 5 Documents

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1 Publication describing the Software Year
A Generalization of the Dirichlet Distribution Link
Robin Hankin

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