

swMATH ID: 2485
Software Authors: Palpant, Mireille; Artigues, Christian; Michelon, Philippe
Description: LSSPER: Solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with large neighbourhood search. This paper presents the Local Search with SubProblem Exact Resolution (LSSPER) method based on large neighbourhood search for solving the resource-constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP). At each step of the method, a subpart of the current solution is fixed while the other part defines a subproblem solved externally by a heuristic or an exact solution approach (using either constraint programming techniques or mathematical programming techniques). Hence, the method can be seen as a hybrid scheme. The key point of the method deals with the choice of the subproblem to be optimized. In this paper, we investigate the application of the method to the RCPSP. Several strategies for generating the subproblem are proposed. In order to evaluate these strategies, and, also, to compare the whole method with current state-of-the-art heuristics, extensive numerical experiments have been performed. The proposed method appears to be very efficient.
Homepage: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/B:ANOR.0000039521.26237.62
Keywords: Resource-constrained project scheduling problem; large neighbourhood search
Related Software: PSPLIB; Scatter Search; gprecedencemm; cumulativemm; PROGRESS; JOBSHOP; COMET; CSPLib; BL data set; CP Optimizer; irace; Algorithm 457; GitHub; GRASP; npuScheduler; Excel; CPLEX; PARPAP; AbYSS; ILOG SCHEDULE
Cited in: 30 Documents

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