

swMATH ID: 22207
Software Authors: Tsoulos, Ioannis G.; Tzallas, Alexandros; Tsalikakis, Dimitris
Description: PDoublePop: an implementation of parallel genetic algorithm for function optimization. A software for the implementation of parallel genetic algorithms is presented in this article. The underlying genetic algorithm is aimed to locate the global minimum of a multidimensional function inside a rectangular hyperbox. The proposed software named PDoublePop implements a client-server model for parallel genetic algorithms with advanced features for the local genetic algorithms such as: an enhanced stopping rule, an advanced mutation scheme and periodical application of a local search procedure. The user may code the objective function either in C++ or in Fortran77. The method is tested on a series of well-known test functions and the results are reported.
Homepage: http://cpc.cs.qub.ac.uk/summaries/AFBJ_v1_0.html
Keywords: genetic algorithm; optimization; parallel algorithms
Related Software: LAM-MPI; GALib
Cited in: 2 Documents

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