

swMATH ID: 21627
Software Authors: Lin, C.; Chen W, Q.; Qiu, C.; Wu Y, F.; Krishnan, S.; Zou, Q.
Description: LibD3C: ensemble classifiers with a clustering and dynamic selection strategy. Selective ensemble is a learning paradigm that follows an “overproduce and choose” strategy, where a number of candidate classifiers are trained, and a set of several classifiers that are accurate and diverse are selected to solve a problem. In this paper, the hybrid approach called D3C is presented; this approach is a hybrid model of ensemble pruning that is based on k-means clustering and the framework of dynamic selection and circulating in combination with a sequential search method. Additionally, a multi-label D3C is derived from D3C through employing a problem transformation for multi-label classification. Empirical study shows that D3C exhibits competitive performance against other high-performance methods, and experiments in multi-label datasets verify the feasibility of multi-label D3C.
Homepage: http://lab.malab.cn/soft/LibD3C/
Related Software: LIBSVM; Pse-in-One; Armadillo; FaceNet; DeepFace; VIPLFaceNet; PFRES; iNuc-STNC; iDHS-EL; ProLanGO; QAcon; iPhos-PseEn; iPPBS-Opt; iPro54-PseKNC; SMOQ; pSuc-Lys; iNuc-PseKNC; DeepQA; MEKA; PASCAL VOC
Cited in: 3 Documents

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