

swMATH ID: 20636
Software Authors: Sadollah, Ali; Eskandar, Hadi; Lee, Ho Min; Yoo, Do Guen; Kim, Joong Hoon
Description: Water cycle algorithm: A detailed standard code. Inspired by the observation of the water cycle process and movements of rivers and streams toward the sea, a population-based metaheuristic algorithm, the water cycle algorithm (WCA) has recently been proposed. Lately, an increasing number of WCA applications have appeared and the WCA has been utilized in different optimization fields. This paper provides detailed open source code for the WCA, of which the performance and efficiency has been demonstrated for solving optimization problems. The WCA has an interesting and simple concept and this paper aims to use its source code to provide a step-by-step explanation of the process it follows.
Homepage: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352711016300024
Source Code:  https://github.com/ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-15-00035
Dependencies: Matlab
Keywords: SoftwareX; software journal; Metaheuristic algorithms; Water cycle algorithm; WCA; Global optimization
Related Software: GSA; GWO; WOA; SSA; ABC; AOA; ALO; AHA; MPA; GOA; Aquila optimizer; Chameleon Swarm; Honey badger algorithm; CEC 13; MOALO; MOGWO; NSGA-II; CMA-ES; GBO; Krill herd
Cited in: 59 Documents

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Water cycle algorithm: A detailed standard code Link
Ali Sadollah, Hadi Eskandar, Ho Min Lee, Do Guen Yoo, Joong Hoon Kim
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Cited by 174 Authors

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