

swMATH ID: 20546
Software Authors: Bierwage, A.; Chen, L.
Description: AWECS: A linear gyrokinetic delta-f particle-in-cell simulation code for the study of Alfvenic instabilities in high-beta tokamak plasmas. A 1-D linear gyrokinetic code called AWECS is developed to study the kinetic excitation of Alfvenic instabilities in a high-beta tokamak plasma, with beta being the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure. It is designed to describe physics associated with a broad range of frequencies and wavelengths. For example, AWECS is capable of simulating kinetic ballooning modes, Alfvenic ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes, as well as Alfven instabilities due to energetic particles. In addition, AWECS may be used to study drift-Alfven instabilities in the low-beta regime. Here, the layout of the code and the numerical methods used are described. AWECS is benchmarked against other codes and a convergence study is carried out.
Homepage: https://arxiv.org/abs/0801.0429
Keywords: linear gyrokinetic simulation; tokamak plasma; drift-Alfven waves; shear Alfven waves; energetic particles
Related Software: gs2
Cited in: 2 Documents

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