

swMATH ID: 19627
Software Authors: Siekmann, J.; Hess, S.; Benzmüller, C.; Cheikhrouhou, L.; Fiedler, A.; Horacek, H.; Kohlhase, M.; Konrad, K.; Meier, A.; Melis, E.; Pollet, M.; Sorge, V.
Description: LΩUI: Lovely ΩMEGA User Interface. The capabilities of a automated theorem prover’s interface are essential for the effective use of (interactive) proof systems. LΩUI is the multi-modal interface that combines several features: a graphical display of information in a proof graph, a selective term browser with hypertext facilities, proof and proof plan presentation in natural language, and an editor for adding and maintaining the knowledge base. LΩUI is realized in an agent-based client-server architecture and implemented in the concurrent constraint programming language Oz.
Homepage: http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs001650050053?LI=true
Related Software: TPTP; Coq; PVS; HOL; Omega-ANTS; Nuprl; VAMPIRE; Isar; Isabelle; Isabelle/HOL; OMEGA; OMDoc; MAYA; OTTER; Bliksem; TRAMP; Leo; Waldmeister; MathWeb; MBase
Cited in: 10 Documents