
C-XSC 2.0

swMATH ID: 182
Software Authors: Hofschuster, Werner; Krämer, Walter; R. Klatte
Description: A C++ class library for extended scientific computing. The original version of the C-XSC library is about ten years old. But in the last decade the underlying programming language C++ has been developed significantly. Since November 1998 the C++ standard is available and more and more compilers support (most of) the features of this standard. The new version C-XSC 2.0 conforms to this standard. Application programs written for older C-XSC versions have to be modified to run with C-XSC 2.0. Several examples will help the user to see which changes have to be done. Note, that all sample codes given in [R. Klatte et al., C-XSC. A C++ class library for extended scientific computing. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (1993; Zbl 0814.68035)] have to be modified to work properly with C-XSC 2.0. Sample codes are available on the web page http://www.math.uni-wuppertal.de/ xsc/cxsc/examples.
Homepage: http://www2.math.uni-wuppertal.de/~xsc/literatur/lit_wrswt.html
Related Software: C-XSC; INTLAB; INTOPT_90; PROFIL/BIAS; filib++; PASCAL-XSC; LAPACK; ACRITH-XSC; MPFI; mctoolbox; PNM; Matlab; BLAS; INTPAK; MPFR; ScaLAPACK; intpakX; Arb; Maple; Cosy
Cited in: 128 Documents
all top 5

Cited by 157 Authors

10 Csendes, Tibor
9 Krämer, Walter
8 Neher, Markus
8 Plum, Michael
6 Kulisch, Ulrich W.
5 Frommer, Andreas
5 Kolberg, Mariana Luderitz
5 Popova, Evgeniya D.
4 Hashemi, Behnam
4 Markót, Mihály Csaba
4 Revol, Nathalie
3 Bánhelyi, Balázs
3 Csallner, András Erik
3 Fernandes, Luiz Gustavo
3 Garay, Barnabas M.
3 Gazdag-Tóth, Boglárka
3 Gómez-Serrano, Javier
3 Haßlinger, Gerhard
3 Hölbig, Carlos Amaral
3 Jerrell, Max E.
3 Kearfott, Baker
3 Lang, Bruno
3 Luther, Wolfram Jérôme
3 McKenna, Patrick Joseph
3 Rump, Siegfried Michael
3 Sotiropoulos, Dimitris G.
3 Walter, Eric
2 Alefeld, Götz E.
2 Beelitz, Thomas
2 Bischof, Christian H.
2 Bohlender, Gerd
2 Breuer, B.
2 Casado, Leocadio G.
2 Castro, Ángel
2 Cordoba, Diego
2 Corliss, George F.
2 Didrit, Olivier
2 Fausten, Daniela
2 Fernandez Hernandez, Jose
2 Grapsa, Theodoula N.
2 Hiraoka, Yasuaki
2 Jaulin, Luc
2 Johnson, Tomas
2 Kieffer, Michel
2 Kiel, Stefan
2 Klatte, Rudi
2 Mayer, Günter
2 Moraes Claudio, Dalcidio
2 Ogawa, Toshiyuki
2 Pacella, Filomena
2 Wieners, Christian
2 Wiethoff, Andreas
2 Žilinskas, Julius
1 Althoff, Klaus Schulte
1 Arendt, Luis P.
1 Auer, Ekaterina
1 Bajaj, Ishan
1 Bantle, Armin
1 Barth, Wilhelm
1 Baumhof, Christoph
1 Benet, Luis
1 Berner, Sonja
1 Bréhard, Florent
1 Burghelea, Teodor
1 Candev, Michael
1 Carrizosa, Emilio
1 Chen, Chin-Yun
1 Chen, Xiaojun
1 Cuyt, Annie A. M.
1 Day, Sarah L.
1 de Dinechin, Florent
1 Diverio, Tiarajú Asmuz
1 Do Carmo, Andriele
1 Dubickas, Artūras
1 Dyllong, Eva
1 Eble, Ingo
1 Eder, Michael
1 Faruque Hasan, M. M.
1 Ferranti, Luca
1 Geörg, Stefan
1 Grimmer, Markus
1 Hatvani, László
1 Heuveline, Vincent
1 Hickey, Timothy J.
1 Hoang, Vu Phuong
1 Hofschuster, Werner
1 Hoshi, Takeo
1 Hyvönen, Eero
1 Ibraev, Sherali Shapataevich
1 Iri, Masao
1 Jackson, Kenneth R.
1 Jankauskas, Jonas
1 Knüppel, Olaf
1 Koeber, Martin
1 Kolev, Lubomir V.
1 Krämer Alcalde, Bernardo Frederes
1 Kristinsdottir, Birna P.
1 Kubota, Koichi
1 Lagouanelle, Jean-Louis
1 Lauter, Christoph Quirin
...and 57 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 54 Serials

9 Computing
9 Journal of Global Optimization
5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
4 Numerical Algorithms
4 Linear Algebra and its Applications
4 Reliable Computing
3 Journal of Differential Equations
2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM)
2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization
2 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
2 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
2 Computational Economics
2 Computational and Applied Mathematics
2 Informatica (Vilnius)
2 Journal of Universal Computer Science
2 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems
2 PAMM. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
2 Serdica Journal of Computing
1 Computers and Structures
1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
1 Mathematics of Computation
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Numerische Mathematik
1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
1 International Journal of Parallel Programming
1 CAD. Computer-Aided Design
1 Annals of Operations Research
1 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing
1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research
1 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B
1 Experimental Mathematics
1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
1 Interval Computations
1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems
1 European Journal of Control
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications
1 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
1 The Journal of Functional and Logic Programming
1 Optimization and Engineering
1 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems
1 Stochastic Models
1 Acta Numerica
1 Pacific Journal of Optimization
1 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University. Natural Science Edition
1 SIAM Studies in Applied Mathematics
1 Albanian Journal of Mathematics
1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology

Citations by Year