

swMATH ID: 16990
Software Authors: Warren, René L.; Sutton, Granger G.; Jones, Steven J. M.; Holt, Robert A.
Description: SSAKE is a de novo assembler for short DNA sequence reads. It is designed to help leverage the information from short sequences reads by assembling them into contigs and scaffolds that can be used to characterize novel sequencing targets. SSAKE is the first published algorithm for genome assembly with short DNA sequences. It assembles whole reads (not k-mers) and as such, is well-suited for structural variant assembly/detection. In 2016, SSAKE celebrates its 10th anniversary
Homepage: http://www.bcgsc.ca/platform/bioinfo/software/ssake
Related Software: Velvet; SHARCGS; ABySS; IDBA-UD; SOAPdenovo; SPAdes; GAGE; ALLPATHS; BLAT; ART; Mash; IDBA; PE-Assembler; QSRA; GOSemSim; PlantTFDB; eggNOG; FreeContact; CCMpred; NNcon
Cited in: 4 Documents

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