

swMATH ID: 16895
Software Authors: Reich, Michael; Liefeld, Ted; Gould, Joshua; Lerner, Jim; Tamayo, Pablo; Mesirov, Jill P
Description: Powerful genomics tools in a user-friendly interface. GenePattern provides hundreds of analytical tools for the analysis of gene expression (RNA-seq and microarray), sequence variation and copy number, proteomic, flow cytometry, and network analysis. These tools are all available through a Web interface with no programming experience required.
Homepage: http://software.broadinstitute.org/cancer/software/genepattern
Related Software: R; GOSemSim; PlantTFDB; eggNOG; FreeContact; CCMpred; NNcon; ELM; dbCAN; antiSMASH; dissectHMMER; HPMV; ANNIE; DOSE; APOLLO; DBAli tools; MATRAS; NUCPLOT; LIGPLOT; EMBOSS
Cited in: 1 Document

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