

swMATH ID: 16201
Software Authors: Munda, G.
Description: NAIADE is software for Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) which has been developed by Giuseppe Munda, in cooperation between the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Joint Research Centre of the EC (in Ispra). It is a discrete multi-criteria method whose impact (or evaluation) matrix may include either crisp, stochastic or fuzzy measurements of the performance of an alternative with respect to a judgment criterion gm, thus it is very flexible for real-world applications. This makes it particularly sutiable for particularly suitable for economic-ecological modelling incorporating various degrees of precision of the variables taken into consideration. For more details see this short 3-page technical description.
Homepage: https://www.weadapt.org/knowledge-base/adaptation-decision-making/naiade
Related Software: ELECTRE; ComPAIRS; VisualUTA; VIP Analysis; M-MACBETH; RICH Decisions; PRIME Decisions; UTA Plus; 4eMka2; MCDA Index Tool; ParadisEO-MOEO; ESY; MINORA; MindDecider; MakeItRational; Logical Decisions; JAMM; iMOLPe; INPRE; IND-NIMBUS
Cited in: 14 Documents

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