

swMATH ID: 16181
Software Authors: Catalyze Ltd.
Description: Hiview3 is a PC-based decision modelling tool that supports the appraisal and evaluation of options. It is equally effective for group decision making, such as decision conferences and for individual decisions. With a host of user-defined features, Hiview3 can be configured to address a variety of problem areas, supporting your specific business objectives. Hiview3 enables users to make effective decisions in areas such as Capital Projects, Policy Setting, Strategy Selection, Relocation Issues, Problem Solving and Budget Resourcing.
Homepage: http://www.catalyzeconsulting.com/index.php/software/hiview3/
Related Software: ParadisEO-MOEO; ESY; MINORA; MindDecider; MakeItRational; Logical Decisions; JAMM; iMOLPe; INPRE; ComPAIRS; IND-NIMBUS; IDS Multicriteria Assessor; HiPriority; WINPRE; WINGDSS; VisualUTA; VISA; Visual Market/2; VIP Analysis; UTA Plus
Cited in: 3 Documents