

swMATH ID: 15802
Software Authors: Hervé, Maxime
Description: R package RVAideMemoire. Contains diverse more or less complicated functions, written to simplify user’s life: simplifications of existing functions, basic but not implemented tests, easy-to-use tools, bridges between functions of different packages... All functions are presented in the French book ’Aide-memoire de statistique appliquee a la biologie’, written by the same author and available on CRAN.
Homepage: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RVAideMemoire/index.html
Source Code:  https://github.com/cran/RVAideMemoire
Dependencies: R
Keywords: CRAN; R package; Basic Statistical Functions; Graphical Functions
Related Software: R; hypergeo; exactRankTests; SAS; nortest; goftest; jmuOutlier; PMCMRplus; irr; binom; boot; Cramer; signmedian.test; snpar; BSDA; clinfun; DescTools; agricolae; EnvStats; SPSS
Cited in: 2 Documents

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