

swMATH ID: 12218
Software Authors: Wen, Zaiwen; Yin, Wotao
Description: FPC_AS (fixed-point continuation and active set) is a MATLAB solver for the l1-regularized least squares problem: A fast algorithm for sparse reconstruction based on shrinkage, subspace optimization, and continuation. We propose a fast algorithm for solving the ℓ 1 -regularized minimization problem min x∈ℝ n μ∥x∥ 1 +∥Ax-b∥ 2 2 for recovering sparse solutions to an undetermined system of linear equations Ax=b. The algorithm is divided into two stages that are performed repeatedly. In the first stage a first-order iterative “shrinkage” method yields an estimate of the subset of components of x likely to be nonzero in an optimal solution. Restricting the decision variables x to this subset and fixing their signs at their current values reduces the ℓ 1 -norm ∥x∥ 1 to a linear function of x. The resulting subspace problem, which involves the minimization of a smaller and smooth quadratic function, is solved in the second phase. Our code FPC_AS embeds this basic two-stage algorithm in a continuation (homotopy) approach by assigning a decreasing sequence of values to μ. This code exhibits state-of-the-art performance in terms of both its speed and its ability to recover sparse signals
Homepage: http://www.caam.rice.edu/~optimization/L1/FPC_AS/
Dependencies: Matlab
Related Software: PDCO; SPGL1; NESTA; TwIST; CoSaMP; L-BFGS; LIBSVM; ParNes; UNLocBoX; glmnet; UCI-ml; TFOCS; Matlab; RecPF; Yall1; IMRO; L1TestPack; CUTEr; LBFGS-B; iPiano
Cited in: 80 Documents
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Cited by 184 Authors

9 Cheng, Wanyou
6 Wen, Zaiwen
5 Yin, Wotao
4 Li, Donghui
3 Aybat, Necdet Serhat
3 Becker, Stephen R.
3 Dai, Yu-Hong
3 Goldfarb, Donald
3 Iyengar, Garud N.
3 Rinaldi, Francesco
3 Shen, Chungen
3 Sun, Defeng
3 Toh, Kim Chuan
3 Zhang, Lei-Hong
3 Zhang, Tong
2 Candès, Emmanuel J.
2 Chen, Zixin
2 Hu, Qingjie
2 Liu, Xin
2 Tillmann, Andreas M.
2 Xiao, Lin
2 Xiao, Nachuan
2 Xiao, Yunhai
2 Yuan, Ya-xiang
2 Zhang, Hongchao
2 Zhang, Yin
1 Ayanzadeh, Ramin
1 Azmi, Behzad
1 Beck, James L.
1 Bian, Fengmiao
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1 Bobin, Jérôme
1 Byrd, Richard H.
1 Cao, Shuhan
1 Chang, Tsung-Hui
1 Chen, Hongsheng
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1 Chen, Xiaojun
1 Cheng, Lizhi
1 Chin, Gillian M.
1 Ciril, Igor
1 Cristofari, Andrea
1 Darbon, Jerome
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1 Eghbali, Reza
1 Esmaeili, Hamid
1 Fadili, Jalal M.
1 Fang, Shu-Cherng
1 Fazel, Maryam
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1 Gao, Bing
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1 Ge, Zhili
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1 Kunisch, Karl
1 Lacaze, Guilhem
1 Lee, Jason D.
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