

swMATH ID: 10717
Software Authors: Stalling, D., Westerhoff, M., Hege, H. C.; Steffen Prohaska; Daniel Baum
Description: Originally, Amira was designed and developed by the Department of Visualization and Data Analysis at ZIB. It is now commercially developed and distributed under the product names Amira and Avizo by FEI Visualization Sciences Group. Details about the history of Amira can be found in this Wikipedia article. Amira remains the development platform for most of the research projects at the Department of Visualization and Data Analysis at ZIB. For this purpose, ZIB maintains an Amira version for research partners, which contains all relevant research modules and is is called ZIBAmira. Research partners are individuals who actively participate in a joint research project with ZIB aiming at joint publications, joint software development, and/or joint funding. ZIB can provide ZIBAmira for the duration of the project on an individual basis free of charge.
Homepage: http://amira.zib.de/
Related Software: Amira; DUNE; UG; ISTL; KARDOS; Kaskade7; Triangle; VTK; Boost; ParaView; Boost C++ Libraries; Gmsh; PSurface; LINCS; ZIBgridfree; Gromacs; KEGG; Jmol; Matlab; VMD
Cited in: 12 Documents

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