

swMATH ID: 10579
Software Authors: Stajich, J. E.
Description: The bioperl toolkit: Perl modules for the life sciences. BioPerl is a toolkit of perl modules useful in building bioinformatics solutions in Perl. It is built in an object-oriented manner so that many modules depend on each other to achieve a task. The collection of modules in the bioperl-live repository consist of the core of the functionality of bioperl. Additionally auxiliary modules for creating graphical interfaces (bioperl-gui), persistent storage in RDMBS (bioperl-db), running and parsing the results from hundreds of bioinformatics applications (Run package), software to automate bioinformatic analyses (bioperl-pipeline) are all available as Git modules in our repository.
Homepage: http://www.bioperl.org/wiki/BioPerl
Related Software: R; PERL; Biopython; ClustalW; BLAST; EMBOSS; UniProt; BioJava; PSI-BLAST; Bioconductor; PHYLIP; DIALIGN; Cd-hit; T-coffee; MUSCLE; Soap; MAFFT; CAP3; PhyloNetwork; BioRuby
Cited in: 10 Documents