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Author tralle.aleksej

Author ID:tralle.aleksej
Name:Tralle, Aleksy E.
Published as: Tralle, Aleksy; Tralle, A. E.; Tralle, A.; Tralle, Aleksej; Tralle, Aleksiej; Tralle, Alexei; Tralle, Aleksei E.; Tralle, Aleksei
Further spellings: Тралле А Е (
Other IDs: MGP: 75514    Math-Net.Ru: 23762    ORCID: 0000-0001-9766-9058    DBLP: 248/2509    idref: 145102351    ResearchGate: Aleksy-Tralle    Homepage: http://wmii.uwm.edu.pl/~tralle/eng.html