
A vertex-centred finite volume method for the 3D multi-term time and space fractional Bloch-Torrey equation with fractional Laplacian. (English) Zbl 1503.65206

The authors study anomalous diffusion in biological tissues using a multi-term time-space FBTE (fractional Bloch-Torrey) system on 3D domains. An alternative space-fractional derivative which is the fractional Laplacian is considered. A vertex-centred finite volume method is developed on unstructured tetrahedral meshes. This development provides a setting to approximate the fractional Laplacian via the matrix transfer technique. A Krylov subspace framework is then used to approximate the required matrix function approximations so that the sparsity of \(m(-\Delta)\) ) can be exploited to reduce the computational overhead of the algorithm. An adaptive preconditioner is implemented to accelerate the rate of convergence. Some block matrix functions to deal with the coupled system are introduced. The time-fractional derivatives in a multi-term formulation are discretised by the WSGL (Weighted and shifted Grünwald-Letnikov) formula. Some numerical tests are presented to show the efficiency of the numerical scheme.


65M08 Finite volume methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65M06 Finite difference methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65N08 Finite volume methods for boundary value problems involving PDEs
65M12 Stability and convergence of numerical methods for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65M15 Error bounds for initial value and initial-boundary value problems involving PDEs
65F10 Iterative numerical methods for linear systems
65F08 Preconditioners for iterative methods
65F50 Computational methods for sparse matrices
33E12 Mittag-Leffler functions and generalizations
26A33 Fractional derivatives and integrals
35R11 Fractional partial differential equations
78A50 Antennas, waveguides in optics and electromagnetic theory
35Q60 PDEs in connection with optics and electromagnetic theory
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