
Inverse problems of generalized projection operators. (English) Zbl 1095.44003

Summary: We introduce the concept of generalized projection operators, i.e., projection integrals over a body in \(\mathbb R^3\) that generalize the usual result of projected area in a given direction by taking into account shadowing and scattering effects as well as additional convolution functions in the integral. Such operators arise naturally in connection with various observation instruments and data types.
We review and discuss some properties of these operators and the related inverse problems, particularly in the cases pertaining to photometric and radar data. We also prove an ambiguity theorem for a special observing geometry common in astrophysics, and uniqueness theorems for radar inverse problems of a spherical target. These theorems are obtained by employing the intrinsic rotational properties of the observing geometries and function representations.
We then present examples of the mathematical modelling of the shape and rotation state of a body by simultaneously using complementary data sources corresponding to different generalized projection operators. We show that generalized projection operators unify a number of mathematical considerations and physical observation types under the same concept.


44A12 Radon transform
85A15 Galactic and stellar structure
86A22 Inverse problems in geophysics
78A55 Technical applications of optics and electromagnetic theory
35R30 Inverse problems for PDEs
65J22 Numerical solution to inverse problems in abstract spaces