
Research on scheduling of two types of tasks in multi-cloud environment based on multi-task optimization algorithm. (English) Zbl 07922849

Summary: The multi-cloud environment (MCE) tasks can be classified as CPU-intensive or I/O-intensive. Using a single model to handle two tasks often results in system performance issues due to mismatches between task requirements and resource demands, caused by differing data characteristics. In this paper, a multi-task multi-objective optimization (MTMO) model is constructed. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with quadratic crossover is used to simultaneously schedule two types of tasks. This improves scheduling efficiency. First, according to the different data characteristics of tasks in MCE, tasks are separated into CPU-intensive tasks with large amounts of computation and high demand for CPU resources and I/O-intensive tasks that require frequent memory access. Different multi-objective optimization models are constructed according to the characteristics of per-task. Secondly, each multi-objective optimization model is constructed as a sub-task in a multi-task environment to build a MTMO model. Then, a multi-objective multi-factor evolutionary algorithm based on quadratic crossover, I-MOMFEA-II, is proposed to schedule the two types of tasks simultaneously. Finally, the proposed algorithm in this paper improved cost, time, and energy consumption for CPU-intensive tasks by 7.6%, 20.1%, and 16.1% respectively, for I/O-intensive tasks, it improved cost, time, and VM throughput by 10%, 17.7%, and 36.5% respectively. The experimental results from simulations confirm the effectiveness of I-MOMFEA-II in elevating task scheduling productivity.


68M20 Performance evaluation, queueing, and scheduling in the context of computer systems
68W99 Algorithms in computer science
93A30 Mathematical modelling of systems (MSC2010)
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[1] Algorithm1: I-MOMFEA-II algorithm
[2] τ i = mod (i, K) + 1 //τ i is skill factor, K is the total number of tasks 4. Evaluate pi on task τ i
[3] Φi is computed through ranking based on NFi and CDi. // Φi is scalar fitness
[4] Select n•K parents from P(t) using Tournament Selection 10. Learn RMP(t)
[5] Randomly select qi, qj from P(t)
[6] Intra-task crossover and mutate (qi, qj) to get [qa, qb] with skill τ i 15. else if rand ≤ rmpτ i,τ j
[7] Inter-task crossover and mutate (qi, qj) to get [qa, qb] with random τ i or τ j 17. else
[8] Mutate and Intra-task crossover each to get [qa, qb] with respective skills 20. Evaluate [qa, qb] on assigned tasks only 21. Pm(t) = Pm(t)∪ [qa, qb]
[9] Update Φi for each pi∈ C(t)
[10] Select top N•K fittest from C(t) as P(t+1) 25. t = t + 1 Algorithm2: Crossover Operator Based on Quadratic Crossover Input: parent individuals pa and pb;
[11] Inter-population crossover distribution index parameter:mu-between;
[12] Intra-population crossover distribution index parameter:mu-in; Output: Offspring individuals ca and cb;
[13] ca1,cb1)=SBX(pa,pb,mu-in);
[14] Generate two random numbers:s1,e1,and e1 ≤ s1+2;
[15] ca=Two-Point-Cross(ca1,pa,s1,e1);
[16] ca=Two-Point-Cross(ca1,pb,s1,e1);
[17] ca1,cb1)=SBX(pa,pb,mu-between);
[18] The cb undergoes the same steps as the ca to complete the crossover. 23875.55307 128728.439 94879.68 EMT-PD 19723.43973 134386.4681 98417.94
[19] I-MO-MFEA-II 31142.64415 168429.1646 111633.3242
[20] I-MO-MFEA-II 42078.34615 237359.4439 145846 MO-MFEA-II 45879.91768 242683.2795 144876.48
[21] I-MO-MFEA-II 638630.051 1090622.473 832673.975 MO-MFEA-II 655320.4023 1109395.444 837881.81
[22] I-MO-MFEA-II 805204.0897 1448079.981 876880.2925
[23] I-MO-MFEA-II 1047031.03 1805537.49 1150850.72 MO-MFEA-II 1054619.114 1843665.045 1166835.1
[24] I-MO-MFEA-II 930623.7063 1490538.112 1097135.47 MO-MFEA-II 975778.2003 1508011.374 1102930.11
[25] I-MO-MFEA-II 1143712.812 1831982.893 1244669.67 MO-MFEA-II 1193470.461 1889552.957 1265711.818
[26] I-MO-MFEA-II 1403211.894 2181834.984 1402274.345 MO-MFEA-II 1436035.36 2243946.812 1423787.155
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