
Pseudosolution of linear functional equations. Parameters estimation of linear functional relationships. (English) Zbl 1077.62052

Mathematics and its Applications (Springer) 576. New York, NY: Springer (ISBN 0-387-24505-7/hbk). ix, 238 p. (2005).
This book presents a method of two-stage maximization of a likelihood function, which helps to solve a series of non-solved before well-posed and ill-posed problems of pseudosolution computing systems of linear algebraic equations (or, in statistical terminology, parameter estimators of functional relationships) and linear integral equations in the presence of deterministic and random errors in the initial data. A solution of the problem of reciprocal influence of passive errors of regressors and of active errors of predictors is given by computing point estimators of functional relationships.
In Chapter 1, the basic problem of confluent, confluent-variance and confluent-regression analysis of passive experiments, a problem of estimation of unknown parameters, is solved algebraically. The problem of robust estimation of normal parameters of incomplete-rank confluent and confluent-regression models is solved also. In Chapter 2, models of passive-active-regression experiments are constructed. A picture of exposition of experimental researches in the framework of confluent-influent-regression models is finished. This allows to understand better a picture of researches and to carry out correctly parameter estimation. A method of effective correction of rounding errors is constructed also for the procedure of numerical solution of systems of linear algebraic equations and of numerical computation of parameter estimates. Regularized estimation methods for the case of incomplete-rank matrices are developed.
In Chapter 3, it is allowed for deterministic and random errors in variational methods that construct pseudosolutions of linear integral equations of the second kind and regularized pseudosolutions and quasisolutions of linear integral equations of the first kind. Both passive errors (i.e., errors during observation or measurement) in the right-hand side and passive or active errors (i.e., errors during specification) in the core are considered. Representation methods of a priori information on sought pseudosolutions using mixed models and statistical regularization methods are considered. Numerical realizations of these methods are constructed.
This book is intended for students, postgraduate students, scientists, and other researchers handling economical and technical data. It is especially intended for those who constantly use regression analysis in their own research and for those who create mathematical software for computers.


62J05 Linear regression; mixed models
62-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to statistics
65Q05 Numerical methods for functional equations (MSC2000)
65R20 Numerical methods for integral equations
65-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to numerical analysis
39B05 General theory of functional equations and inequalities
45A05 Linear integral equations
65C60 Computational problems in statistics (MSC2010)


Linear algebraic equation; passive experiment; linear regression; linear model; linear constraint; normal parameter; confluent analysis; degenerated confluent model; confluent-regression analysis; stable estimation; active experiment; active-regression experiment; passive-active experiment; passive-active regression experiment; linear integral equation; pseudosolution; Gauss-Markov pocess; probability Sobolev space; Fredholm linear integral equation; random right-hand error; measured core; realized core; analysis of variance; autocovariance; autocorrelation function; autoregression model; Bayesian approach; best linear unbiased estimate; Birkhoff-Khinchin theorem; canonical expansion; Cauchy-Bunyakovskij inequality; correlogram; consistent estimate; Cramer rule; Darboux sum; differential operator; efficient estimate; Ergodic theorem; Euler equation; heteroscedasticity; Heviside Core; Hilbert space; homoscedastic error; influent analysis; influent-regression analysis; Kolmogorov theorem; Lagrange method; least distance; Mahalanobis distance; maximum likelihood estimate; mixed model; Mechenov two-stage minimization; multiple linear regression; multivariate normal distribution; Newton method; nonlinear model; orthogonal matrix; forecasting; quadratic form; quasi-estimate; regularization method; regularized distance; regularized pseudosolution; regularized quasisolution; residual sum of squares; Schmidt spectral expansion; singular model; stationary process; Sturm separation theorem; Sturm-Liuville equation; Sylvester criterion; Taylor series; uniform distribution; variance ratio; Volterra linear integral equation; weighed quadratic form