
Fast software encryption. Cambridge, GB, December 9–11, 1993. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0806.68008

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 809. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. ix, 223 p. DM 52.00; öS 405.60; sFr 52.00 /sc (1994).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually.
The core problem of classical cryptography is to find encryption algorithms which are both fast and secure. Security was the main issue of the recent investigations. As a result several reasonably secure encryption algorithms were proposed, but most of them were not fast enough for practical implementation. As it is indicated in the title the topic of this volume is fast software encryption.
Indexed articles:
Massey, James L., SAFER K-64: a byte-oriented block-ciphering algorithm, 1-17 [Zbl 0943.94536]
Daemen, Joan; Govaerts, René; Vandewalle, Joos, A new approach to block cipher design, 18-32 [Zbl 0943.94518]
Kaliski, Burton S. jun.; Robshaw, Matt J. B., Fast block cipher proposal, 33-40 [Zbl 0943.94526]
Blöcher, Uwe; Dichtl, Markus, Fish: a fast software stream cipher, 41-44 [Zbl 0943.94527]
Krawczyk, Hugo, The shrinking generator: some practical considerations, 45-46 [Zbl 0943.94538]
Anderson, Ross, A modern rotor machine, 47-50 [Zbl 0943.94517]
Chambers, W. G., Two stream ciphers, 51-55 [Zbl 0943.94539]
Rogaway, Phillip; Coppersmith, Don, A software-optimised encryption algorithm, 56-63 [Zbl 0943.94519]
Lomas, Mark, Encrypting network traffic, 64-70 [Zbl 0943.94525]
Preneel, Bart, Design principles for dedicated hash functions, 71-82 [Zbl 0943.94524]
Roe, Michael, Performance of symmetric ciphers and one-way hash functions, 83-89 [Zbl 0943.94534]
Golić, Jovan Dj., On the security of shift register based keystream generators, 90-100 [Zbl 0943.94532]
Ding, Cunsheng, The differential cryptanalysis and design of natural stream ciphers, 101-115 [Zbl 0943.94537]
Biham, Eli, On modes of operation, 116-120 [Zbl 0943.94530]
Gollmann, Dieter, Cryptanalysis of clock controlled shift registers, 121-126 [Zbl 0943.94521]
Wheeler, David J., A bulk data encryption algorithm, 127-134 [Zbl 0943.94516]
Tao, Renji, On finite automaton one-key cryptosystems, 135-148 [Zbl 0943.94529]
Schnorr, Claus P.; Vaudenay, Serge, Parallel FFT-hashing, 149-156 [Zbl 0943.94533]
Lai, Xuejia; Knudsen, Lars R., Attacks on double block length hash functions, 157-165 [Zbl 0943.94520]
Chan, Agnes H.; Games, Richard A.; Rushanan, Joseph J., On quadratic m-sequences, 166-173 [Zbl 0943.94531]
Klapper, Andrew; Goresky, Mark, 2-adic shift registers, 174-178 [Zbl 0943.94515]
Nyberg, Kaisa, New bent mappings suitable for fast implementation, 179-184 [Zbl 0943.94528]
Maclaren, Nick, Cryptographic pseudo-random numbers in simulation, 185-190 [Zbl 0943.94522]
Schneier, Bruce, Description of a new variable-length key, 64-bit block cipher (Blowfish), 191-204 [Zbl 0943.94523]
Di Porto, Adina; Wolfowicz, William, VINO: A block cipher including variable permutations, 205-210 [Zbl 0943.94540]
Knudsen, Lars R., Practically secure Feistel ciphers, 211-221 [Zbl 0943.94535]


68-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to computer science
94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
94A60 Cryptography
68P25 Data encryption (aspects in computer science)


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