
Weak-form latent space dynamics identification. (English) Zbl 07867404

Summary: Recent work in data-driven modeling has demonstrated that a weak formulation of model equations enhances the noise robustness of a wide range of computational methods. In this paper, we demonstrate the power of the weak form to enhance the LaSDI (Latent Space Dynamics Identification) algorithm, a recently developed data-driven reduced order modeling technique.
We introduce a weak form-based version WLaSDI (Weak-form Latent Space Dynamics Identification). WLaSDI first compresses data, then projects onto the test functions and learns the local latent space models. Notably, WLaSDI demonstrates significantly enhanced robustness to noise. With WLaSDI, the local latent space is obtained using weak-form equation learning techniques. Compared to the standard sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics (SINDy) used in LaSDI, the variance reduction of the weak form guarantees a robust and precise latent space recovery, hence allowing for a fast, robust, and accurate simulation. We demonstrate the efficacy of WLaSDI vs. LaSDI on several common benchmark examples including viscid and inviscid Burgers’, radial advection, and heat conduction. For instance, in the case of 1D inviscid Burgers’ simulations with the addition of up to 100% Gaussian white noise, the relative error remains consistently below 6% for WLaSDI, while it can exceed 10,000% for LaSDI. Similarly, for radial advection simulations, the relative errors stay below 16% for WLaSDI, in stark contrast to the potential errors of up to 10,000% with LaSDI. Moreover, speedups of several orders of magnitude can be obtained with WLaSDI. For example applying WLaSDI to 1D Burgers’ yields a 140X speedup compared to the corresponding full order model. Python code to reproduce the results in this work is available at (https://github.com/MathBioCU/PyWSINDy_ODE) and (https://github.com/MathBioCU/PyWLaSDI).


76-XX Fluid mechanics
93-XX Systems theory; control


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