
Lyapunov stability of a rigid body with two frictional contacts. (English) Zbl 1373.74050

Summary: Lyapunov stability of a mechanical system means that the dynamic response stays bounded in an arbitrarily small neighborhood of a static equilibrium configuration under small perturbations in positions and velocities. This type of stability is highly desired in robotic applications that involve multiple unilateral contacts. Nevertheless, Lyapunov stability analysis of such systems is extremely difficult, because even small perturbations may result in hybrid dynamics where the solution involves many non-smooth transitions between different contact states. This paper concerns Lyapunov stability analysis of a planar rigid body with two frictional unilateral contacts under inelastic impacts, for a general class of equilibrium configurations under a constant external load. The hybrid dynamics of the system under contact transitions and impacts is formulated, and a Poincaré map at two-contact states is introduced. Using invariance relations, this Poincaré map is reduced into two semi-analytic scalar functions that entirely encode the dynamic behavior of solutions under any small initial perturbation. These two functions enable determination of Lyapunov stability or instability for almost any equilibrium state. The results are demonstrated via simulation examples and by plotting stability and instability regions in two-dimensional parameter spaces that describe the contact geometry and external load.


74H55 Stability of dynamical problems in solid mechanics
70E18 Motion of a rigid body in contact with a solid surface
70J25 Stability for problems in linear vibration theory
74M20 Impact in solid mechanics
74M10 Friction in solid mechanics


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