
Distortion and Tits alternative in smooth mapping class groups. (English) Zbl 1429.57036

Let \(S\) be a surface of finite type and \(K \subset S\) be a closed subset. Furthermore let \(\text{Diff}(S,K)\) be the group of orientation preserving \(C^\infty\)-diffeomorphisms of \(S\) that leave \(K\) invariant (as set). The smooth mapping class group is then defined as the quotient \[\mathcal{M}^\infty (S,K) = \text{Diff}(S,K) / \text{Diff}_0(S,K)\] where \(\text{Diff}_0(S,K)\) denotes the identity component of \(\text{Diff}(S,K)\). Furthermore denote by \(\mathcal{PM}^\infty(S,K)\) the subgroup of the smooth mapping class group consisting of elements which fix \(K\) pointwise. This is called the pure mapping class group.
Given a group \(G\) and a finite symmetric (\(\mathcal{G}^{-1} = \mathcal{G}\)) subset \(\mathcal{G} \subset G\). Denote by \(l_{\mathcal{G}}(g)\) the word length of the element \(g \in \langle \mathcal{G} \rangle\), defined as the minimal integer \(n\) such that \(g\) can be expressed as a product \(g = s_1 \cdots s_n\) with elements \(s_i \in \mathcal{G}\). An element \(g \in G\) is called distorted if it has infinite order and there exists a finite symmetric set \(\mathcal{G} \subset G\) such that \(g \in \langle \mathcal{G} \rangle\) and \(\lim_{n \to \infty}\frac{l_{\mathcal{G}}(g^n)}{n} = 0\).
The article under review investigates the pure mapping class group where the set \(K\) is a Cantor set. The following result is given: “Let \(S\) be a closed surface and \(K\) be a closed subset of \(S\) which is a Cantor set. Then the elements of \(\mathcal{PM}^\infty(S,K)\) are undistorted in \(\mathcal{M}^\infty(S,K)\).”
Furthermore it is shown that given a closed surface \(S\) and \(0 < \lambda < \frac{1}{2}\), then there are no distorted elements in the group \(\mathcal{M}^\infty(S, C_\lambda)\), where \(C_\lambda\) is an embedding of the standard ternary Cantor set with parameter \(\lambda\) in \(S\).
Mapping class groups of finite type satisfy the Tits alternative. It is investigated whether a similar statement holds for the groups where \(K\) is a Cantor set. The following result is given: “Let \(\Gamma\) be a finitely generated subgroup of \(\mathcal{M}^\infty(S, C_\lambda)\), then one of the following holds:
\(\Gamma\) contains a free subgroup on two generators.
\(\Gamma\) has a finite orbit, i.e.there exists \(p \in C_\lambda\) such that the set \(\Gamma(p) := \{g(p) \,|\, g \in \Gamma\}\) is finite.”
This theorem is deduced as an immediate corollary of the following statement about the Thompson’s group \(V_n\): “For any finitely generated subgroup \(\Gamma \subset V_n\), either \(\Gamma\) has a finite orbit or \(\Gamma\) contains a free subgroup.”


57S25 Groups acting on specific manifolds
37C85 Dynamics induced by group actions other than \(\mathbb{Z}\) and \(\mathbb{R}\), and \(\mathbb{C}\)
57K20 2-dimensional topology (including mapping class groups of surfaces, Teichmüller theory, curve complexes, etc.)


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