
On homotopy types of diffeological cell complexes. arXiv:1912.05359

Preprint, arXiv:1912.05359 [math.AT] (2019).
Summary: We introduce the notion of smooth cell complexes and its subclass consisting of gathered cell complexes within the category of diffeological spaces (cf. Definitions 1 and 3). It is shown that the following hold. (1) With respect to the D-topology, every smooth cell complex is a topological cell complex (cf. Proposition 2). It is paracompact and Hausdorff if it is countable (cf. Proposition 8). (2) Every continuous map between gathered cell complexes is continuously homotopic to a smooth map (cf. Theorem 5). (3) Any topological cell complex is continuously homotopy equivalent to a gathered (hence smooth) cell complex (cf. Theorem 6). (4) Every D-open cover of a smooth countable cell complex has a subordinate partition of unity by smooth functions (cf. Theorem 9).


57R12 Smooth approximations in differential topology
57R19 Algebraic topology on manifolds and differential topology
58A05 Differentiable manifolds, foundations
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