
Echo state network activation function based on bistable stochastic resonance. (English) Zbl 1498.62169

Summary: Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon wherein an information-carrying signal is enhanced via noise in a nonlinear system. This phenomenon enables living beings to adapt to noisy environments and use environmental noise to obtain useful information. A novel activation function of the echo state network (ESN) based on bistable SR is proposed in this study. Instead of using the tanh activation function – which is representative of the traditional threshold activation function – the bistable SR activation function is used to improve the noise adaptability of the ESN. Further, the proposed activation function provides a short-term memory (STM) ability that is not provided by the widely used threshold activation function, and thus, a physical reservoir can be designed using the proposed function. An STM task and a parity check task are used to verify the short-term memory and nonlinear ability of the bistable SR activation function. Further, two different prediction benchmarks prove that the proposed activation function can improve the noise adaptability of ESN. Finally, a visual recognition task is performed to demonstrate the potential of the SR activation function for physical reservoir computing.


62M10 Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. in statistics (GARCH)


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