
Some inverse problems with spectral limitations on data. (English) Zbl 0724.73068

Summary: We consider the recovery of the impedance A(y) for a one-dimensional seismic problem \(v_{tt}=(Av_ y)_ y/A\), where y is the travel time, with impulse input \(v(y,0)=\delta (y)\), and readout \(v(0,t)=\delta (t)+g(t)\), \(g(t)=\) \((2/\pi)\int^{\infty}_{0}\hat g(\lambda)Cos \lambda t d\lambda,\) \(\hat g\) being the Fourier cosine transform. First, it follows that, for \(\Delta\) denoting change, \(| \Delta A(y)| \leq \tilde c(y)\| \Delta g\|_{\infty}\) on [0,2y]. The problem of estimating \(\| \Delta g\|_{\infty}\) on [0,2y] is ill-posed, if only estimates \(\| \Delta g\|_ 2\leq \epsilon\) can be obtained. Using regularization and summability, we construct a sequence of approximants \(g^*_ n\) which converges to g pointwise on [0,2y] uniformly. Thus, \(g^*_ n\to g\) in \(L^{\infty}(0,2y)\) and the corresponding \(A_ n(y)\) converse to A(y) pointwise.
This paper also serves as an introduction to the connection of regularization and summability ideas with transmutation formulas. Applications to approximation theory for generalized eigenfunction expansions for special functions can also be envisioned.


74J25 Inverse problems for waves in solid mechanics
34L05 General spectral theory of ordinary differential operators
49N60 Regularity of solutions in optimal control
35P10 Completeness of eigenfunctions and eigenfunction expansions in context of PDEs
34A55 Inverse problems involving ordinary differential equations
40A10 Convergence and divergence of integrals
42A38 Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type
86A22 Inverse problems in geophysics
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